Country Charm Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Front of Country Charm Shirt

Country Charm Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Designs used for the front of the shirt (Left to right)

  • Country charm_02
  • Country charm_03 over lapping “Country charm_02”
  • Country charm_12
  • Country charm_08 I mirrored the design and overlapped “Country Charm_12”
Country Charm Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Close up of the front of the Country Charm shirt

Back of Country Charm Shirt

Country Charm Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Designs used for the back of the shirt (Left to right)

  • Country Charm_02 3 times overlapping
  • Over the top of Country Charm_02 on the right side Country Charm_04 twice overlapping
Country Charm Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Close up of the back of the Country Charm shirt

Cotton Fields Framed Picture

Country Charm Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch Country charm_01

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