Decorative Stitches – How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

These decorative stitches are in most of your sewing machines, I find many people do not use these beautiful stitches to their full advantage, what I like to do is overlap decorative stitches with different coloured thread, as you can see in the photos. Have fun and experiment!

Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine
Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine
Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine
Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

Press the fabric using your iron

Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

Lay the fabric in between the spaces of your decorative stitches and stitch down the fabric

Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

Showing all the fabric stitched down.

Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

This photo showing you another way of using your decorative stitches in your machine.

Decorative Stitches - How to use them on your Embroidery Machine

I stitched the rick rack down using a straight stitch and a similar colour thread first.

I then stitched a decorative stitch over the straight stitch in a white thread.

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