Candy Love Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Candy Love Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

The bag measures 16 x 21 cm or 8.5 x 6.5 inches

The design is “Candy Love_01_180x130

Stitched on pink and white gingham cotton.

Candy Love Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I stitched the following designs on the cupcake cushion

  • Candy Love_04
  • Candy Love_05
  • Candy Love_06
  • Candy Love_07

I stitched on white cotton fabric

Candy Love Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I stitched the Candy Love_03_360x200 on the Candy Love cushion

I stitched on a pale green linen

Candy Love Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I stitched Candy Love_02_240x150 on the Candy Love cushion

I stitched on white cotton

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