Ebony and Ivory Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Ebony and Ivory Bag

Bag size is 13 x 8.5 inches or 32.5 x 21.5 cm
- Stitch out either “Ebony_01” or “Ebony_02” depending on which size hoop you have on black fabric choosing a white thread.
- Mark a rectangle border either 5 mm or .5 inch around the design; this will be for the black and white striped border fabric.
- Stitch the black and white stripped fabric onto the black background fabric on all four sides of the design.
- Using a black and white striped fabric for the back of the bag the same width and length as the front of the bag.
- Place the magnetic clips inside the lining on both the front and back panels.
- Straight stitch the wadding and lining to the back of the bag.
- Straight stitch wadding and lining to the front of the bag.
- Zigzag stitch the front panel, wadding and lining together, around the edge of the panel then closely cutting away any excess fabric from the zigzag stitch, repeat for the back panel.
- Make a striped strap for the bag or at a later stage put those clip on handles.
- If you make a striped strap for the bag as I have then at this stage I would stitch the strap onto the bag.
- Go around each of the panels at least twice using a zigzag stitch very close together then a satin stitch for the last, this gives each panel a lovely finish.
- Zigzag stitch the front and back panels together.

Showing you either 5 mm or .5 inch border mark around the design to place the black and white stripped fabric.

Magnetic clips for the front and back panels

Zigzag stitching the front panel, wadding and lining together, around the edge of the panel.

Rough zigzag stitch holding the striped fabric, wadding and lining together, about to cut away excess fabric from the zigzag stitch.
Ebony and Ivory Cushion

Ebony_13 stitched twice