Elegant Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Elegant Cushion

I had purchased antique silk Kimono fabric, a very small portion , due to only having a very small portion of the silk, I decided to use it the following way.

I stitched on the cream silk the following designs
* Design_16
* Design_12
* Design_09
* Design_18
* Design_10
* Design_20
* Design_17

I appliquéd the antique fabric over the cream silk fabric using a satin stitch then over the top of the satin stitch I stitched in gold metallic thread a decorative stitch, this give the work balance.

Close up of the cushion.

I used the remaining antique silk fabric for the cording around the cushion and then finished the back with the little bit left over….as I had paid so much for this antique Kimono fabric that I did not want to waste one little scrap of it.
Elegant Table Runner

I purchased this table runner.

I stitched the following designs on the purchased table runner

Elegant Blue Cover Drawing Book

I purchased this drawing book which was made out of bamboo from “Borders Book Store”.

I covered the wooden side in a navy blue linen and using the design “Peacock_08”.

Close up of the design “Peacock_08”.
Elegant Tin

I purchased this tin.

I stitched “Peacock_06” out and stitched a satin stitch and then stitched very close to the satin stitch a decorative stitch which give the design a nice border.

I glued the excess fabric down with my hot glue gun.

Excess fabric glued down.

I glue down a simple type of lace around the design and where the lace was joined glued down a fabric rose.

Finished tin.
Elegant Blue Blouse

I purchased this blouse and stitched on the following designs
* Design_14
* Design_13

Stitching out Design_14.

Close up of the stitch out.

Close up the stitch out finished on the blouse.
Elegant Shirt

I stitched this “Peacock_06” design out using a variegated thread onto a stretched knitted T Shirt.