Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Harmony Black Bag

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch out Harmony_08.

This is the front of the bag

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch around each of the panels for your seam allowance, I find this is an easy way of marking the seam allowance especially on a dark fabric

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch out the following:

  • Harmony_04_Back
  • Harmony_05_Side, stitch two
  • Harmony_06_Base
  • Harmony_13A_Flap
  • Harmony_13_Flap
Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut out each panel where you have marked for seam allowance

Using your panels that you have just cut for the lining of the bag

I like to lay out each piece of the bag to understand how I am going to stitch the bag together

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch the front to the base

Stitch the base to the back

Stitch the back to the design Harmony_03A_Flap

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch the sides to the front

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Once you have stitched both sides to the front and back panels, stitch the design Harmony_13A_Flap to the back of the bag.

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch the design Harmony_13_Flap to the Harmony_13A_Flap

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch the following lining together

  • Front
  • Back
  • The two sides
  • Base
Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

At the top of the lining stitch in your seam allowance

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch the following lining together

Harmony flap front and Harmony flap rectangl

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch the two lining flaps to the two black flaps

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut away any excess fabric and snip using sharp scissors on the curve as you can see in the photograph

Glue and stitch in your bag strap to the side panels

Insert your magnetic studs to the flap and front panels (I forgot to do this part)

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Pin the front and side lining to your bag

Stitch the front and side lining together, leaving the back of the lining

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Hand stitch the rectangle flap to the back of the lining

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I kept many of mothers clip on earrings or if you do not have any you can purchase from the two dollar shops , stitch the clip on earring to a tassel and hand sew on the pointed front flap

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Earring and tassel stitched to the pointed end of the front flap

Harmony Aqua Crush Bag

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I like to make these for friends especially those who travel, these holders are great to throw odds and ends in rather than have all over the hotel room

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch out Harmony_09

The size of the holder is 35 wide x 28 cm length or 13.5 wide x 11 inches length

Stitch using a running stitch on your machine for both the front and back

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Photograph showing you a close up of the running stitch

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Mark on each side front and back 5 x 5 cm or 2 x 2 inches

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Before stitching match up the front and back seam, once you have matched the seams pin and then stitch across as you can see in the photo.

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

This photograph showing you the inside of the holder the two seams front and back joining

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut what I call ears off so there will not be any bulk

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Make the lining the same width and length

Follow instructions No. 3 to No. 6

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I added to the embroidery and the ends of the straight stitch those glue on crystals

Harmony Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

I had some gold cording and stitched it on the holder before I stitched the lining to the holder

While in India a couple of years ago I purchased many different types of haberdashery most were very Bollywood those, to give the holder that Bollywood look I added the dingle dangles, I think they look great on the holder, I stitched them on and then added a bit more glitz with the glued crystals that I had used on the rest of the holder

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