Inca Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Inca Miniature Quilt

Notions for the Inca Miniature Quilt

Inca Minature Quilt PatternĀ

In the centre of the fabric, stitchĀ xolotl01.pcsĀ design (shown to the left), using stitch No.02 L =.30 W = 4.5 in aqua coloured thread.
Over the top of the aqua satin stitched border, sew stitch No 165 L = 4.0 using dark red coloured thread,
(shown to the left).

Outside the aqua satin stitch border of the design, sew an additional border using stitch No.02 L =.30 W = 6.0
in dark red coloured thread, (shown to the left).
Over the top of the outer dark red satin stitched border, sew stitch No.111 L = 3.0 W = 6.0 using aqua coloured thread, (shown to the left).Ā

AroundĀ xolotl01.pcsĀ design stitch the fourĀ chimu.pcsĀ designs, (shown to the left), using stitch No.02 L =.30 W = 6.0 in purple coloured thread.

Over the top of the purple satin stitched border of each design, sew stitch No.132 L = 4.0 W = 6.0 using blue green coloured thread, (shown to the left).

Above eachĀ chimu.pcsĀ design, stitch each of the fourĀ pattern.pcsĀ designs, (shown to the left),Ā using stitch
No. 02 L =.30 W = 6.0 in golden yellow coloured thread.
Over the top of the golden yellow satin stitch border of each design, sew stitch No. 65 L = 10 W = 6.0 using mauve coloured thread, (shownĀ to the left).Ā

Outside this border, sew an additional border around each design using stitch No. 02 L =.30 W = 4.5 in mauve coloured thread.
Over the top of the outer mauve border of each design, sew stitch No. 143 L = 8.0 W = 5.0 using orange coloured thread (shown to the left).

Above each ofĀ pattern.pcsĀ designs, stitch each of the fourĀ pat02.pcsĀ designs, (shown below) using stitch
No.02 L =.30 W = 6.0 in orange coloured thread.

Over the top of the orange satin stitched border of each design, sew stitch No.147 L = 4.0 W = 6.0 using purple coloured thread, (shown to the left).
Outside this border, sew an additional border around each design using stitch No. 02 L =.30 W = 6.0 in royal blue coloured thread, (shown to the left).
Over the top of the outer royal blue border of each design, sew stitch No. 63 L = 10 W = 6.0 using tan coloured thread (shown to the left).

Stitch each of the twelveĀ maya02.pcsĀ designs, (shown below and inĀ diagram No.01Ā below) using stitch
No. 02 L =.30 W = 6.0 pale lemon thread.

Over the top of the pale lemon satin stitched border of each design, sew stitch No. 64 L = 10 W = 6.0
using aqua thread, (see below).
Having appliqued all the designs onto the quilting fabric, iron on the pellum to the back of the quilt.
Attach backing fabric.
Cut top fabric, pellum and backing fabric around the outer edges of the designs on the quilt.
Chancay Minature Quilt

Approximate size 31 x 31cm 12 x 12 inches

Mark the centre of your fabric.
Tip:Ā I centre my fabric by ironing it into quarters. This will produce the exact centre.
Iron the pellum onto the back of your fabric.
Choose a backing fabric.
Tip:Ā I like to use up old pieces of fabric. If you don’t have enough fabric to fit the square, sew together another piece of fabric. This is a good way of using up those old and odd pieces of fabric.
From the marked centre of your fabric, commence stitching diagonally, using a basting stitch.
Tip:Ā Always stitch from the centre, as shown below inĀ diagram 2,Ā below. In that way, you will not experience any puckering.
Diagram 1 and 2

PinĀ maya01.pcs design to the centre of the quilt.
Lower your feed dogs and put on your darning foot.
Free machine embroider, using a straight stitch.
Free machine embroider aroundĀ maya01.pcsĀ design. Free machine embroider around it just once.
Note:Ā We will return to this point when all the designs are stitched onto the quilt.

Pin the twelveĀ maya02.pcsĀ designs around theĀ maya01.pcsĀ design, as shown inĀ diagram 3, to the left. After pinning each design onto the quilt, free machine embroider around each of the twelveĀ maya02.pcsĀ designs.
Diagram 3

Pin each of the eightĀ chimu.pcsĀ designs around the twelveĀ maya02.pcsĀ designs, as shown inĀ diagram 4, to the left. After pinning each of the eight designs, free machine embroider around each of the eightĀ chimu.pcsĀ designs.
Diagram 4
Now for the fun part! Having stitched all the designs onto the quilt, free machine embroider using the straight stitch around each of the designs on the quilt. Just proceed carefully but quickly, back and forth.Ā Diagrams 5 and 6Ā show you the free machine embroidery stitching.
Diagram 5 and 6

Now I’ll show you how to cover the four bamboo (satay) sticks. This is also a lot of fun.
Cut off the sharp ends of the bamboo (satay) sticks.
Cut rectangular pieces of fabric slightly larger than the bamboo sticks and about 7cm (3inches) wide.
Lower your feed dogs and attach your darning foot.
Fold the rectangular piece of fabric over and along the length of the bamboo stick.

Bring your bobbin thread up and sew a couple of stitches at one end of the stick to tie it down, as shown to the left inĀ diagram 7. Cut both bobbin and top threads.
Set your machine on the zig zag. Stitch at the widest, around 6.
Diagram 7

Zig zag over fabric and bamboo stick, as shown to the left inĀ diagram 8.
Diagram 8

Cut away the extra fabric up to the zig zag stitch, as shown to the left inĀ diagram 9.
Diagram 9

Thread your needle with the royal blue thread and sew using the zig zag stitch. Ensure that you randomly stop it in places. This will produce nice big bulges along the length of the stick. It will only be necessary to do that every now and again, as there are three other colour threads to sew after the first colour.
Tip:Ā I normally take my darning foot off, as the thread is starting to get to bulky for the foot to go over.
Warning: I must warn you, to be very carfully where you place your fingers. Please keep them a good distance away from your work when doing this.Ā Refer to the position of my fingers asshown below inĀ diagrams 10, 11 and 12.
Diagram 10
Repeat with procedure, as shown below inĀ diagram 11Ā and 12,Ā using the bottle green, red orange and tan coloured threads.
Diagram 11 and 12

Attach the covered bamboo sticks onto the quilt, sewing them in the same manner that the individual bamboo sticks were stitched. Refer to this procedure, which is shown below in diagrams 13, 14 and 15.
Tip:I always completed this stitching procedure by highlighting each one using the red orange coloured thread last.Ā
Diagram 13, 14 and 15

Sun Bag and Pullover

Cut nine pieces of cornflower coloured fabric to fit hoop.
Cut nine pieces of aqua coloured silk organza to fit hoop.
SewĀ sun.pcsĀ designs onto each of the nine pieces of fabric.
Cut each of the nine pieces of fabric and designs into the shape of a square.
Cut the organza silk into squares. Ensure that they are slightly larger than the size of the fabric squares and designs to create a border around each of approximately 2 cm (1 inch). It doesn’t matter if they are all not the same size as theyĀ shouldĀ beĀ slightly different sizes.
Cut four pieces of fabric in the shape of a square of approximately 40 x 40 cm (16 x 16 inches) each in size. These are for the front and back of the bag.
Cut two pieces of wadding in the shape of a square of approximately 40 x 40 cm (16 x 16 inches) in size.
Sew together the front fabric, wadding and backing fabric.
Pin theĀ sun.pcsĀ design in the centre of the fabric pieces. Then pin back the edges of the silk organza so that you do not stitch them down.
Stitch around theĀ sun.pcsĀ motive.
Stitch the rest of theĀ sun.pcsĀ motives, as can be seen in the picture of the finished bag, below.
Rub briskly each of the silk organza squares with your hands. This will make the organza fray. As you use the bag, the more the slik organza frays, the better will be its effect on the bag.
For the handles, I braided and then used some gold and aqua piping, which I bought many years ago.Ā
Matching Bedroom and Bathroom Sets

pat02.pcsĀ design used on sheet set

Magnified view ofĀ chimu.pcs & pat02.pcsĀ designs used on pillowslip.
Stitch theĀ chimu.pcsĀ design first then bring in theĀ pat02.pcsĀ design.

pat02.pcsĀ design used on towel

Magnified view ofĀ pat02.pcsĀ design. Used back to back on towel.
I stitched theĀ pat02.pcsĀ design, back to back on the towel. There was however, a slight gap between the two designs, so I used a satin stitch between the base of the two designs using red coloured thread
Inca Bag

Pattern 2.pcs

Cut six pieces of fabric to fit hoop. These pieces are for the designs.
On one piece of fabric, locate the top LHS of your hoop. Stitch outĀ pattern2.pcsĀ design.
RepeatĀ procedureĀ 2Ā using theĀ pattern2.pcs design on each of the other five pieces of fabric. This is your opportunity to be creative – try mirroring the design in every position. Look closely at my bag pattern, above and notice the mirror methods which I have deployed to create an intricate, overall interesting and attractive pattern.
Cut the fabric into rectangles. Ensure that they are slightly larger than the size of theĀ pattern2.pcsĀ design to create a border around each of approximately 2 cm (1 inch). They should all be approximately the same size.
Cut four pieces of fabric in the shape of a square of approximately 35 x 35 cm (14 x 14 inches) each in size. These are for the front and back of the bag.
Cut two pieces of wadding in the shape of a square of approximately 35 x 35 cm (14 x 14 inches) in size.
Sew together the front fabric, wadding and backing fabric.
Arrange the sixĀ pattern2.pcsĀ designs, closely together, in the centre of the front fabric piece as one would do for patchwork.
When you are completely satisfied with the overall appearance of your creative work, then pin each and all theĀ pattern2.pcsĀ designs in place.
Stitch the firstĀ pattern2.pcsĀ design into place on the front fabric panel.
Continue stitching .the rest of the designs into place, adjacent to one another, forming a continuous block. Ensure that there are no gaps between them.
Around the block of six patterns, sew an inner border using stitch No. 02 L =.30 W = 9.0 in red coloured thread.
Over the top of the red coloured border, sew stitch No. 63 L = 10 W = 4.5 using golden yellow coloured thread.
Over the top of the red coloured border, sew stitch No. 63 L = 10 W = 4.5 using aqua coloured thread.
Outside the red border, create an outer border by sewing stitch No. 02 L =.30 W = 6.0 using lemon coloured thread.
Over the top of the outer lemon coloured border, sew stitch No. 74 L = 70 W = 6.0 in dark yellow green coloured thread. For the handles, I purchased some black piping, which I braided, then attached.
Attach two black tassels to the base of the bag, at each end.