Oklahoma Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Height 55cm 21.5 inches
Width 39cm 15.3 inches
What you need:
I purchased this linen while in Townsville, Queensland from Stitches and Spice. The web site of Stitches and Spice is:Â http://www.stitchesandspice.com.au
I chose the linen fabric for the mottled colours which are similar to the Oklahoma dirt.
2 packets of fine cooper wire
Wooden dowel very thin 4mm wide x 2.4 meters long (you can purchase the dowel from most hardware stores

Stitch the Indian out first and then the rest of the designs
From your sewing machine select either similar or use your own stitches from the decorative stitches in your sewing machine for the background. I used my Pfaff 7570 stitches
Frey the sides of the linen….The bottom end of the wall hanging I cut close but not to close to the zigzag as you can see in the last photo above I let a few linen pieces hang down
Cut 5cm 2 inches from either side of the linen piece for the sides, zigzag stitch on either side to stop fraying (You do not want to over do the fraying)
Mark on the wall hanging and side pieces where you would like to lace the cooper wire
In your decorative stitches from your machine you should have a similar stitch for threading your cooper wire through….A decorative stitch you can put a small hole through
Apply the triangles on the side pieces ….I used a zigzag stitch to apply each triangle
Thread the wire through….This is very fiddle, sit down and watch a number of movies while doing this….make sure you have good wire cutters
MINITURE QUILTSÂ that hang down from the main quilt
The miniature quilts you can see in the photo s…Stitch all three out and then frey the edges all around
You can see in the photo what I did with the wooden dowels and cooper wire approximately 7 x 8 cm 2.75 x 3inches each is different in size, you do not want all to be the same size
Attach the 3 mini quilts to the wooden dowel as in the photos
Attach the mini quilts and dowel with the cooper wire to the wall hanging as seen in the photo