Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Ring of Grace Blue Gingham Cushion

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

What you need:

  • 1 yard or 1 metre of white fabric
  • 2 yards or 2 metres of pellon
  • 2 yards or 2 metres of “tear away” stabilizer.
  • 1 metre of blue and white gingham


Stitch out the following designs:

  • 1 x Ring outer_01 with 2 layers of tear away. Number the back of the design as 1.

  • 1 x Ring outer_02 with 2 layers of tear away. Number the back of the design as 2.

  • 1 x Ring outer_03 with 2 layers of tear away. Number the back of the design as 3.

  • 1 x Ring outer_04 with 2 layers of tear away. Number the back of the design as 4.

  • 1 x Ring centre. Use two layers of tear away and pellon. (I hooped the white fabric with the tear away. Once the hoop was in the machine I slid the two layers of cut away under the hooped fabric).

  • 6 x “Ring_06”. Use two layers of tear away and pellon. (I hooped the white fabric with the tear away. Once the hoop was in the machine I slid the two layers of cut away under the hooped fabric).
Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Before you cut away the ring outer designs leave enough fabric for a seam on both ends.  Do not cut away on the round….As you can see in the photo.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

The photo shows the outer ring design and how I numbered each one. This will allow the outer ring designs to match corectly.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch together each outer ring as shown above in the photo.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Showing you again how I stitched the outer ring together.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

All stitched together and ready to be placed on the fabric.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut out a square piece of fabric. The square piece of fabric will create the face of the cushion. This will need to be the size that you would like the cushion to be.

 Mark the centre using your chalk or marking pen.

Place the outer ring in the centre as you can see in the photo.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Pin the outer ring down onto your fabric.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Zigzag stitch the centre down first.

Zigzag stitch the scalloped edge / outer satin stitched border using the same thread colour as the satin stitch.

Satin stitch over the zigzag stitch as this will give you a nice finish.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut away the excess fabric to the stitched out ring centre design. Make sure that you cut close to the satin stitch border.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Pin down the centre piece as shown in the above photo.

Using the same coloured thread as your satin stitch border zigzag stitch the centre piece down. Satin stitch over the zigzag stitch with the same thread colour.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Zigzag stitch

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Close up of the satin stitch over the zigzag stitch.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut away the fabric from around the satin stitch border on the “Ring_06” designs. Pin each “Ring_06” around the centre piece as shown in the photograph.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

As gingham can be a very thin type fabric I cut a pellon piece to put under the gingham fabric for the cushion. Sew the pellom around the edges of the square piece of fabric to hold it together. The pellom gives the cushion a nice soft feel.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

The photograph shows you a close up of all the panels stitched to the gingham.

Ring of Grace Pink Cushion

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

What you need:

  • 2 metres or 2 yards of white fabric
  • 2 metres or 2 yards of pink fabric
  • 2 metres or 2 yards of pellon
  • 2 metres or 2 yards of “Tear away”
Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch out the following

“Ring_03” 8 times

“Ring_05” 7 times

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut around the satin stitch border of the “Ring_03” design.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut around the satin stitch borders for all of the “Ring_05” designs that you have stitched out.

Place all the “Ring_05” designs that you have stitched out in the centre of the fabric

Zigzag stitch all the panels down.

Over the top of the zigzag stiches, satin stitch using the same thread colour as you used for the satin stitch border.

Ring of Grace Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Place all the “Ring_03” panels down on the fabric. You can place them anyway you wish. I used a glue sparingly to place the panels down on the white fabric to temporarily hold them down.  Zigzag Stitch around each of the panels onto the white fabric. Then satin stitch over the zigzag stitch.

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