Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch Rock-A-Bye, Baby on the white silk, I used for stabilizer 2 sheets of “Cut Away

Cut the silk into an oval shape

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch using your straight stitch 5/8 inch from edge

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Cut the backing away from the edge to the straight stitch

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Turn over the edge to leave a nice sharp edge and then stitch a straight stitch

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Showing you the back

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Using your zipper foot stitch the pearl beads onto the silk oval.

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Over the stitching next to the pearls I then stitch a soft lace

I then cut wadding slightly smaller than the silk oval and stitched the silk oval onto the dress of the Bassinet

Rock A Bye Baby Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitched oval on the Bassinet

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