Scented Orchid Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Scented Orchid Book Cover

What you need:
- Thick upholstery fabric (you use what ever fabric that would best suit you)
- Purchased book from Borders the maker is “Paperchase”
- 2 sheets of medium cut-a-way
- 2 layers of thin batting
The photograph shows the fabric and the two layers of cut-a-way I used to stitch Scented Orchid_01

This photograph is the book I purchased from Borders.

2 layers of thin wadding

Mark the thin wadding the same size as the cover of the book

Cut the wadding

Glue the wadding onto the cover of the book

I put one piece of thin wadding over Scented Orchid_01 and traced on the wadding the outline of the design

Roughly cut around the outline of the wadding and glue the wadding onto the centre of the two layers of wadding you just glued to cover of the book

Cut the cut-a-way as close as you can to the design

Mark the centre of Scented Orchid_01

Centre of Scented Orchid_01

Working from your centre you just marked using a square ruler to mark a border on the wrong side
Stitch on the wrong side in straight stitch around the border you just marked with your pen

Stitch on the right side a zigzag stitch
Over the top of the zigzag stitch you just stitched, stitch a satin stitch
Over the top of the satin stitch you just stitched, stitch another satin stitch but making this satin stitch slight wider, this gives your border a lovely finish

Close up of the satin stitch for the border

Cut away the excess fabric from the satin stitch

Once you cut away the excess fabric from the satin stitch border you then satin stitch over the satin stitch you did previously, from memory I did that twice, it does give the border a lovely finish
Then I stitched right up against the satin stitch a straight triple stitch, this does finish the project off beautifully

Glue Scented Orchid_01 panel onto the layers of thin wadding

The Scented Orchid panel already to lay the books over the top

Once I glued the panel onto the wadding, I then layed a number of heavy books on the top of the panel and left the books on top for over twenty four hours
Scented Orchid Cushion

Stitch out Scented Orchid_02 As you can see I changed the thread colour’s from the original design colour chart.

Stitch out the Orchid_01 to Orchid_06. I stitched out 18 squares to make a border to go around Scented Orchid_02
Zigzag stitch each square onto your background fabric
Once you have all the squares in place you then satin stitch each of the square so as to give each of the squares a nice finish
Then I zigzag stitched Scented Orchid_02 in the centre of the squares

Stitch a nice hem at the top of cushion

Back of what I had just finished. I find sometimes looking at the messy back shows you what had been done on the face of the cushion

Close up of cushion

I made a flap to go over the front of the cushion and put Oriental buttons to give the cushion a lovely finish

Another view of the cushion