Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Tender Heart Bag

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch “Tender Heart_07”

Mirror “Tender Heart_01” and stitch below “Tender Heart_07”

Stitch “Tender Heart_01”

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Showing the detail of the design

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Showing detail of the design

Tender Heart Cushion

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Stitch “Tender Heart_10” eight times

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions
Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Place the eight panels as shown in the above photo

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Pin each panel

Lightly glue each panel

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Zigzag stitch each panel down

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Showing you the zigzag around each panel from the back of the cushion

Once all the panels are zigzagged down then satin stitch over the zigzag

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

At this point you can either do what I have done by marking in a graph in the centre of the cushion or you can stitch down “Tender Heart_16” I leave this decision up to you

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Place wadding on the back of the cushion and pin it down. This gives the centre a puffy look, which gives texture

Tender Heart Machine Embroidery Design Instructions

Showing you the centre after I stitched, I am very pleased with this look

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